Announcing our latest TourBEST winners – Q3, 2023

Winner: Sandeep Bhambra, Senior Systems Support Coordinator
Sandeep is an outstanding employee and makes a positive impact on our team. Sandeep is a hard worker who always goes beyond the goals set for our department. He’s one of our best support engineers who we know we can count on. In fact, working in a short period of time with him has taught us nothing is impossible to be accomplished. He is the prime example of a team player and is always willing to help with tasks. Sandeep always volunteers to do additional tasks in the team and assists those who need help, offering his expertise to multiple departments. Despite having a lot of work, Sandeep is constantly asking how others are doing and finding out how he can make their work easier. He has excellent communication and teamwork skills that make the workplace a positive environment. During brainstorming sessions, Sandeep often shares excellent ideas and looks for ways other team members can use their skills to help the company. For these reasons and more, Sandeep deserves to be honoured with this month’s Tourbest award.
Winner: Rachel Costello, Head of Buying and New Product Development
Rachel is the true sense of one business, one team. With a heavy workload Rachel still manages to support her wider colleagues with ad hoc requests. She is like a swan, calm on exterior, but peddling away like mad below the water to ensure that no stone is left unturned. Helping wherever she can to ensure that as a wider Tourvest Team we provide what is required for our customers across the globe. thank you! Rachel has come into Tourvest like a breath of fresh air. She has settled in so well and is already a go-to member of the senior team to support, advise and listen. You can see that Rachel has a lot of ideas she wishes to implement and is implementing. She has performed at a high level with customers and is quick to support team members. Through SAFAIR, the BA Range Change and the implementation of BAEF Boutique on board, she was always motivating and suggesting different ideas to resolve challenges.
Winner: Snethemba Matshabana
Snethemba is highly efficient, reliable and has great knowledge and understanding of the business and systems. He exceeds performance and is lovely to work with. He has been called out by passengers for his diligent assistance with their queries, going above and beyond for them.
Winner: Ekene Emechebe, Retail Manager
When the duty free shop in Nigeria experienced a number of challenges with airport logistics and passengers were diverted away from the shop, Ekene and the Nigerian sales team came up with a creative way to continue to service their customers. They contacted the crew offering them the chance to order by phone. They would then pack the orders and take them to the gate some 800m away with a POS machine so they could take payment. If passengers then asked how they could purchase items, the team would personally take them to the shop to assist them. A great effort in innovation and thinking out of the box!